Soros Fund Management sharply cut its shares in gold in the second quarter, when bullion prices rose to two-year highs.
In the steel shop of Svyatogor (an enterprise of the UMMC metallurgical complex),the sharp commissioning works started on two horizontal dry electrostatic precipitators with a nominal capacity of 120 thsnm3 per hour and a purity of at least 99.0%.
AO Susumanzoloto won the auction for two sites of placer gold in the Magadan region, according to the auction report.
Subsoil users of the Magadan region in January-July 2016 increased gold production by 11.06% compared with the same period a year earlier - up to 12.955 tons, silver production has been reduced by 21.32% - down to 517.573 tons, reported Agency PRIME with the reference to theMinistry of Natural Resources of the Magadan Region Administration.
In the first half of 2016, the world price of gold rose by 25% in US dollars. Also strong price gain of gold has shown in the national currency of Great Britain.
Jewelry industry in Russia by the end of the first half of 2016 year reduced the use of gold for production of articles by 12.48% compared with the same period of the previous year - to 14.346 tons (461.235 thousand ounces), silver use fell by 7.59% - to 68.894 tons (2.215 million ounces), said tothe PRIME Agency in FKU “Assay Office of the Russian Federation”.
According to information provided by the Business News Agency PRIME, OOO Zolotaya Rechka won two auctions on sites of placer gold in SkovorodinoDitrict of the Amur region.
ZAO GPP Retkon won two auctions on sites of placer gold in Bodaibo district of the Irkutsk Region, with A/SZolotoy Polyus winning one, according to Irkutsknedra.