In Yakutia, a unified recycling center of complex ores and concentrates can be created, follows from the presentation of AO Vysochayshiy (GV Gold) on the East Economic Forum. Yakutia contains the largest gold-bearing ores persistent deposits with total reserves estimated at 900 tonnes:
- Nezhdaninskoye - joint venture company of Pylus and Polymetal, reserves of 632 tonnes;
- Tarynskoye ore field - sites belong to AO Vysochayshiy, GP Poisk, OOO Boguslavets and OOO GeoSakha with total reserves of 52.9 tons, 1,048 tons of resources;
- Kyuchus in undistributed fund, with reserves of 177.5 tons, 51.1 tons of resources.
AO Vysochayshiy supports the initiative of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) to create a single central processing refractory ores, noting that the successful implementation of the project requires the coordinating role of the state among all interested companies. “Industrial stocks of free-milling ores are practically exhausted,” stated in the materials of the company. “Creation of separate processing capacities for medium-sized deposits is capital intensive and unprofitable.” At the same time, AO Vysochayshiy intends to launch the first stage of the Taryn mineral processing plant in 2017 (geological reserves the JORC sites - 24.5 tons, the exploration potential of 632 tons of gold) – with capacity of 700 thousand tons of ore per year with a possible extension of up to 1.4 million tons (after the launch of the second stage). Capital expenditures in the first stage of construction are estimated at 113 million dollars. “Taryn is the largest gold mining site of the Oymyakonsky District and the launch pad for the development of other fields located near,” said at the AO Vysochayshiy . “However, for efficient operation of the mineral processing plant, it is necessary tobuild a road from the federal highway with cost of 1.114 billion rubles, 35 kV overhead lines (with length of 10 km to the location of the site substation 35/6 kV) worth 340 million rubles and 110 kV overhead line (140 km). AO Vysochayshiy founded the Tarynskaya ZRK in 2012 for field development of the Drenazhnoye deposit and central part of the Tarynskoye ore field. With the launch of the Taryn mineral processing plant, the company plans to reach the volume of gold production in the Far East at 6.5 tons by 2020.
Source: Uncommercial joint ownership "Trans-regional Association of precious metals producers"