ZolotoKamchatki (partofGKRenova) in the first half of 2016 increased gold production compared to the same period last year by 2.8 times - up to 2,863 tons (92.1 thousand ounces), silver production by nine times - to 4,012 tons (129 thousand ounces), follows from company report.
“In six months, the company sold 91.1 thousand ounces of gold (up 172%) at an average price 1227 dollars an ounce. The main growth driver of the company has become mineral processing plant Ametistovoye, launched in September 2015, the report says.
In the first six months of the year at the company's plants were processed 357.2 thousand tons of ore. Current trend confirms the forecast of production for 2016 bythe plants ofZolotoKamchatkiof more than 5 tons of gold. The company's main project - mineral processing plant Ametistovoye–was designedfor a fifteen-year term of development of the field of the same name with an annual production of 4 tons of gold.
ZolotoKamchatkihas nine licenses for developing of gold deposits in Kamchatka with a total resource base of over 12 million troy ounces (over 375 tons) of gold.
Gold reserves at the Ametistovoye deposit amount to 51.8 tons of gold and 177.8 tons of silver, potential resources and reserves growth is estimated at a minimum of 50 tons; reserves on Baranyevskoye amount to 30.1 tons of gold, at the fields of Meletoyvayam - 27.6 tons, Vetrovayam - 7.7 tons, Kumroch - 30 tons.
In 2015, the company produced 2,544 tons of gold, which is 38.4% more than the year before.