Description: Wire Sr 99,99 is wire of high precision with silver content not less than 99,99%.
Normative documents: Wire Sr 99,99 is produced according to GHOST 7222-2014.
Chemical content of silver wire:
Index of metal, alloy |
Chemical content, % |
Ag |
Cu |
Fe |
Mn |
Sb |
Pb |
Bi |
Te |
Pd |
Sr 99,99 |
≥99,99 |
≤0,008 |
≤0,004 |
- |
≤0,001 |
≤0,003 |
≤0,002 |
- |
- |
Physicomechanical properties:
Index of metal, alloy |
Rated density, gr/cm3 |
Fusing temperature (interval), °С |
Relative lengthening of a mild wire, %, not less than |
Temporary resistance to explosion, MPa (kgf/mm2), not less than, at condition of material |
hard |
mild |
Sr 99,99 |
10,50 |
962 |
27 |
780 (26) |
160 (16) |
Areas of use:
Wire Sr 99,99 is used in electronics, electrical equipment, instrument making, jewelry production.