Mine/ priisk Ust-Kara OJSC intends to engage loans totaling up to 550 million rubles in VTB, as said in the message of the enterprise. The company will consider the approval of loan transactions at the general annual meeting on June 28 (the list of members compiled under the register records as of May 30).
According to the annual report of the company, Krasnoyarskgeologiya OJSC is planning to mine not less than 350 kg of gold in 2016 which is 12.5% more than in 2015.
Sibresurs LLC won the auction for exploration and mining of placer gold at Komarov Log area in Sverdlovsk Region on May 26, as follows from the auction results materials.
Eurasia Mining has engaged Region-Story company (Chelyabinsk city) in the beginning of the development of platinum placer deposits of Western Kytlym (Sverdlovsk Region).
Gokhran is not planning to purchase diamonds for the replenishment of the State Fund of precious metals and precious stones of the Russian Federation in 2016, Alexey Moiseev, Deputy Finance Minister, informed yesterday to journalists.
The gold reserves of Venezuela have reached their historic lows following the selling of metal for $ 1.7 billion in the first quarter to repay debt, CNBC reports.
During the first quarter of 2016, Nordgold increased capital expenses for the development Neryungri-Metallic LLC by 2.7 times in comparison with the same period last year to 1.9 million dollars, states the company press release.
Capital investments of Berezitovy Rudnik LLC (part of Nordgold) amounted to 4.9 million dollars in the first quarter of 2016 which is 63% more than in the same period last year, the company’s press-service reports.